Spicer: Trump’s ‘Shown a Willingness to Reach out to All Americans’

‘I think there has to be a willingness for John Lewis who has fought so hard for voting and civil rights to not use language about delegitimatizing an election and integrity of our voting system’


PETERS: “Sean, it’s Jeremy Peters. John Lewis just said a few minutes ago — I’m sorry, Elijah Cummings just said a few minutes ago that he would like the president-elect to pick up the phone and call John Lewis, reach out, extend a hand. Is that something that the president-elect might do or would consider doing?”
SPICER: “Sure. I mean, I think he has shown a willingness to reach out to all Americans. I think he understands the important iconic nature of someone like John Lewis when it comes to fighting for voting and civil rights. He's going to -- today, he is going to sit down with Martin Luther King III and others to talk about that legacy. So I -- I wouldn’t put it past him to do that but I think there's got to be a willingness for John Lewis who has fought so hard for voting and civil rights to not use language about delegitimatizing an election and the integrity of our -- of our voting system."

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