Sessions: ‘I’m Not Sure Under What Circumstances’ I Said Drug Users Should Get Death Penalty
SESSIONS: "I think some of them are truly valuable, in evaluating cases. Fundamentally, the criticism I think that was legitimate is that they may not have been followed. Using good judgment about how to handle these cases will be a responsibility of mine. I know it won’t be an easy decision but I will try to do my duty in a fair and just way."
LEAHY: "The reason I mention it, you have had very strong views, you even mandated the death penalty for anyone convicted of a second drug trafficking offense, including marijuana, even though mandatory death penalties are of course unconstitutional."
SESSIONS: "Well, I’m not sure under what circumstances I said that. But I don’t think that sounds like something I would normally say. I will be glad to look at it."
LEAHY: "Would you say that’s not your view today."
SESSIONS: "It is not my view today."