Graham Rejects Charge Benghazi Is Politicized: ‘Go Tell That to the Family Members’

‘Anybody who plays politics with Benghazi is going to get burned’

Lindsey Graham: GOP not 'playing politics' with Benghazi (The Week)

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Sunday pushed back against accusations that Republicans were once again discussing the Benghazi embassy attacks for no other reason than to make them an election-year issue. In an appearance on CBS' Face the Nation, Graham claimed the administration misled the public two years ago because it believed Benghazi was a "threat" to the president's re-election hopes. And he insisted there were still unresolved questions the GOP felt compelled to probe following the release last week of more White House emails that mention the attack.

"I would say to anybody who believes that this is just about politics, 'Go tell that to the family members. Go explain to the family members how it's okay for the White House to withhold information from the Congress and the American people,'" he said.

"Anybody who plays politics with Benghazi is going to get burned," he added. "So if we're playing politics with Benghazi, then we'll get burned."

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