Spicer: Dems’ Choice to Oppose Trump’s Picks from Day One Is ‘Frankly Sad’

‘They put a list of ten people out saying we’re going to oppose these ten people’

SPICER: "So 13 members of president Obama’s team were in place within five days of him taking office, seven before he got sworn in. That’s the kind of way it should be looked at. It’s sad senator Schumer has chosen to politicize everything. Each of these individuals is an unbelievable agent of success and change to help this country move forward. The idea the Democrats’ choice is to figure out from day one how to oppose all these individuals is frankly sad."
CAMEROTA: "So the Republicans didn’t slow roll or dig in on anything, right, that President Obama wanted? They wanted to avoid gridlock."
SPICER: "There’s no question we have a philosophical and political difference of where this country should go. But we showed our actions in 2008, if they nominate call feed people, they should be nominated. We confirmed 13 people of his cabinet within five days, seven before he took office. I don’t know how you can prove that more than those kind of actions."

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