McCain: Cyber-Attacks, Seizure of Ships, Syria Signs of ‘Unraveling of the World Order’

‘When America doesn’t lead a lot of other bad people do’

MCCAIN: "What’s happening here when we see the seizure of these ships, when we see the cyber attacks, when we see the dismemberment of Syria, when we see the tragedies that are taking place there which are heartbreaking, actually heartbreaking while we sat by and watched all this happen, this is a sign of a possible unraveling of the world order that was established after world War II, which was one of the most peaceful periods in the history of the world. We’re starting to see that, the strains and unraveling of it and that’s because of an absolute failure of American leadership. When America doesn’t lead a lot of other bad people do and that’s why we’re seeing this slaughter in aleppo that breaks your heart."

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