Stirewalt: Hollywood Left Wants ‘To Leave a Mark’ on Trump to Delegitimize Him

‘Hollywood has not learned its lesson that bringing out Lena Dunham and Lady Gaga may have alienated some people’


KELLY: "Hollywood has not learned its lesson that bringing out Lena Dunham and Lady Gaga may have alienated some people. Once again, they're trying out some stars, and for what? Do they really think this is going to do it?"
STIREWALT: "Well part of it is the anguished heart of people who believe that America is slipping through their fingers and they’re taking it hard. I understand that. Losing elections is hard. This one is really hard because very few people saw it coming. It hurts. I get that part. But the other part is they want to leave a mark on Donald Trump so that as he try to govern, no matter what he does, it’s the illegitimacy of him in office — that in some way -- "

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