Chris Coons: ‘A Casual Twitter War’ by Trump ‘Could Lead to a Real War’ with China

‘Recent reports that President-Elect Trump didn’t consult experts in the State Department and that this call may have been put together pretty quickly suggests that he’s been a little too casual about one oh of the most vital strategic challenges we face’


COONS: "This is an area where clumsiness can lead to real conflict, where  . China is a very important country, and Donald Trump made it clear that he may well pick a fight with them on international trade and our trade balance and America’s business interests. That may be well and good. And he may need to stand up to China on some things, but we need Chinese cooperation to reign in North Korea’s very dangerous nuclear weapons program. So why on Earth Donald Trump would pick this fight, pick a fight with the People’s Republic of China over this 40-year long, carefully balanced relationship, where we provide dense materials to Taiwan but do not recognize Taiwan."

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