Jack Jacobs: ‘General Mattis Is Unique; I Have Never Run Across Anybody Quite Like Him’

‘There have been few people in history in the military uniform who are like him’

JACOBS: “He’s — you know, we use the term unique all the time. We overuse it. And as a matter of fact, we misuse it. We talk about people who are very unique, things. You’re either unique or you’re not unique. General Mattis is unique. I have never run across anybody quite like him. And there have been few people in history in the military uniform who are like him. He’s very well-read. Extremely focused. And that may be part of the problem. I mean, he’s so focused on war fighting. He is a war fighter. As a general officer, he spent as much time as he could with troops, in fox holes with them. We all do. We love troops. It’s good to be with them. They’re very funny and they're caring for the United States all the time. He has never been at a job where he’s had to deal with a large, cumbersome inertia-ridden bureaucracy." 

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