CNN Panel: Trump Should Be ‘Boning up’ on Policy, Not Watching Cable News

Rye: ‘We potentially elected a dictator — someone who think he does not have to be accountable to constitutional law’

CNN Panel: Trump Should Be 'Boning Up' on Policy, Not Watching Cable News (NewsBusters)

CNN's Anderson Cooper was aghast on the Tuesday edition of his program over Donald Trump still regularly posting to Twitter even after being elected president: "When I first heard that he was Tweeting about something that was on this broadcast — a number of Tweets; again, factually-incorrect Tweets...I kept thinking, doesn't he have, like, a briefing book on ISIS to be reading last night?" Kristen Powers replied, "He should have probably been boning up on what's going on...I think it is concerning that he continues to do this." [video below]

Cooper raised the subject of Trump's Twitter posts — especially his recent condemnation of flag burning — during a panel discussion segment. CNN regular Margaret Hoover offered her "alternative view" on the flag Tweet — that "maybe, this is not a big, strategic, sort of, gotcha. Maybe, he was watching a cable news channel that had a segment about Hampshire College...and their flag burning — and maybe, he Tweeted about it three or four minutes afterwards." Liberal panelist Paul Begala interjected, "One hopes that this guy's not nuts."



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