Krauthammer: If the Left Goes After Trump on Flag-Burning, ‘They Are Going to Lose’

‘I would advise the left not to take the bait on this’


KRAUTHAMMER: “I don’t understand why people are getting scanneddized. Yes, it was I will advised, yes, it’s unconstitutional. He was expressing what I think 90% of Americans think. And what Scalia himself, who was with the majority in saying it was unconstitutional to prosecute anybody, Scalia himself said if it was up to me I would put them in jail. So I would advise the left not to take the bait on this. Trump put a very large piece of cheese out there, and if the left wants to go after him on the burning of the flag, they are going to lose. He didn’t say I’m going to change the law or upend the Constitution. If he says that, then we can have an all-out argument on that. This is an expression of a sentiment. Because of an incident that happened in Massachusetts. And let it go.”

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