Michael Bloomberg’s $50 Million Anti-Gun Campaign Kicks Off With Terrifying PSA

The video features a child discovering a gun inside a shoebox in her parents’ closet

Bloomberg’s $50 Million Anti-Gun Campaign Starts Off With a Video Trying to Scare You and Your Kids (IJReview)

Michael Bloomberg has pledged to pour 50 million dollars into his new gun control advocacy group, Everytown. The goal is to create a grass roots network of concerned mothers, mayors and Hollywood celebrities that can work to persuade Congress as effectively as the pro-gun lobby.

The difference is while groups like the NRA want to protect the rights of responsible gun owners, Everytown wants to redefine them.

They want to attack the 2nd Amendment by having gun owners register their firearms, ban ‘assault’ weapons, and make carrying guns on school, church and playground property illegal.

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