Newt: ‘We’re Going To Be Shocked’ by How Few Care About the Never Trumpers

‘Some of them would rather have Hillary Clinton win and have a left wing Supreme Court’


GINGRICH: "The truth is, Donald Trump represented an outside grass-roots populism that was furious at the Republican leadership. When this campaign began, 63% of all Republicans said they did not like their leadership in Washington. And those are the people who nominated Trump. Well, it turns out some of the folks in Washington didn’t particularly like having what is in effect an outsider populist hostile takeover of the party. I get that. Some of them would rather have Hillary Clinton win and have a left wing Supreme Court and have the corruption continue rather than elect Donald Trump. I get that. The question for tTump is, can he arouse enough voters to overcome these? My guess is he can. I think we’re going to be shocked how relatively few people there are who care about the never Trumpers."

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