Noah on White Guy with a Burning Phone Inside Plane: A Story of White Privilege

‘You know if that dude was Middle Eastern, they would have tackled the (bleep) out of him!’

This story is cross-posted at our consumer site, Grabien News. Watch it there – without audiomarks.

NOAH: "That is terrifying, though. I will say this: This story right now is the definition of white privilege. You get on a plane and you have smoke coming out of your pocket, and then you whip out the device and throw it on the ground and t people are like, ‘Sir! Are you okay? Oh, my God! You poor man! Are you okay? You must be so shaken up! You can’t even hunt Pokemon now!’ (laughter) You know if that dude was Middle Eastern, they would have tackled the (bleep) out of him! Muslims get kicked off planes just for texting. They get kicked off for having working phones! This guy is like, ‘My phone is going to blow up!’”

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