Pence on Refugees: Trump and I Will ‘Put the Safety and Security of’ Americans First

‘Trump and I are committed to suspending the Syrian refugee program and programs from areas of the world that have been compromised by terrorism’

QUIJANO: "Governor Pence, Mr. Trump supports wanted extreme vetting from parts of the world that addressed terrorism but that does not address nightclub bombings like Orlando, and new Jersey. Those were home-grown, committed by U.S. Citizens and legal residents.What specific tools would you use to prevent those kinds of attacks?" 
PENCE: "Well, I think it’s — I think it’s a great question, Elaine, but it really does begin with us reforming our immigration system and putting the interest particularly the safety and security of the American people first. I mean, Donald Trump has called for extreme vetting for people coming in to this country so we don’t bring people into the United States who are hostile to our bill of rights freedoms, who are hostile of the American way of life, but Donald Trump and I are committed to suspending the Syrian refugee program and programs from areas of the world that have been compromised by terrorism. Tim Kaine and Hillary Clinton want to —" 
QUIJANO: "The question was about home-grown terror." 
PENCE: "Let’s put the safety and security of the American people instead of Hillary Clinton." 
KAINE: "Or instead of you violating the constitution, by blocking people on their national origin whether they’re dangerous — that’s what the 70th circuit — We have different views on refugee issues on immigration. Hillary and I want enforcement based on are people dangerous. These guys say all Mexicans are bad and with respect to refugees, we want to keep them out if they’re dangerous. Donald Trump said keep them out if they’re Muslim. Mike Pence said keep them out if they’re from Syria, and yesterday an a appellant court with three Republican judges struck down the plan said and it was discriminatory." 

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