Pelosi Ties Trump’s Remarks on Muslims, Birtherism to GOP Members of Congress

‘There are worse statements made by members of congress for a long period of time that they tried to implement into law in terms of Muslims into our country’

PELOSI: “I think that in Congress there’s no — if you look at the record — the public record on, for example, immigration, there were worse statements made by members of Congress for a long period of time that they tried to implement into law in terms of Muslims into our country. Shocking language used by Republicans in Congress. So he’s a reflection of them, which is why I think that some of the establishment Republicans are unhappy with Trump for what he says. But also, he’s pulled back the veil. You have a Speaker of the House whose budget will — goes further. His budget will remove the guarantee of Medicare. You have the committee that oversees Wall Street saying we’re going to overturn Dodd-Frank and put us back where we were in ‘08. You have a Congress — a Republican Congress that refuses to bring up issues that relate to gun violence prevention. The list goes on and on. And so what Donald Trump is saying is not shocking to us. The people have to know that the election is more about — is more than the presidency. It’s also about what happens in the Congress of the United States. He calls climate change a hoax.”

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