Conway: ‘Clinton Is Having a Hard Time Being Accepted’ as ‘Truthful and Honest’

‘And certainly a former United States senator, former first lady and certainly the sitting secretary of state should know what the C means’

CONWAY: "Well, it’s very disappointing to see Senator Kaine take that tack because you’re asking him very honest questions that the American people want answered, 17,448 e-mails were not turned over to the inspector general. That’s in addition to the 33,000 emails that had been deleted. And Martha, as you very correctly pointed out, if you see the C as the classification of national security information, folks know what that means. And certainly a former United States senator, former first lady and certainly the sitting secretary of state should know what the C means. I think that the polling data that you showed earlier really tells the tale here. Hillary Clinton is having a hard time being accepted as a truthful and honest candidate vis-a-vis the American people."

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