Trump: I Believe America Is Ready to Turn the Page on This Very Sordid Past

‘The Clintons have had their time on stage’

" It's all just too much. We are going to have a great victory on November 8th. I can tell you. We are going to have a great victory. Thank you. Thank you. How much more can voters take? Not much more. Thank you. Hillary Clinton thinks she's entitled to be president. By the way, she's got very bad judgment. Got very bad judgment. Even if she thinks that, she's got bad judgment. She thinks she's above the law. So far, she's proven that. But the truth is, it's the opposite. Her criminal conduct at home, and her failed interventions over seas simply make her unfit. She is unfit to serve in the oval office. I believe that America is ready to turn the page on this very sordid past. We don't want another four years of Obama or Clinton controversies. They are not only dangerous. But frankly, they are exhausting our people. How do you even keep up with it all? How do you do that? The Clintons have had their time on stage. Now it's time to close that chapter in the history book and open a brand-new, beautiful chapter. That -- thank you."

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