Ann Coulter: I Don’t Understand Why Trump’s Now Using ‘Tired Talking Points’

‘I’m starting to worry that he’s panicking and talking to the wrong people because he’s sounding a little bit more like the candidates he defeated’


MATTHEWS: "Can he get back to the winning?"

COULTER: "I think so. What you said is exactly right. It is those three issues. I’m starting to worry that he’s panicking and talking to the wrong people because he’s sounding a little bit more like the candidates he defeated with the talking points about softening on deporting the ones who are oh, they have been here a long time and are law-abiding. Yes, that’s true, but how about you just say no, my policy is consistent. People who are here illegally have no right to be here. We will decide whether they stay or not in our national interest. Yeah, if they’re good for the country we might keep them but this is going to be an America first immigration policy, trade policy and war policy."

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