Evan McMullin: The Worst Way for Terrorists to Come in Is By Becoming a Refugee

‘There’s a lot of unjustified hysteria around the refugee situation and we need to be more careful and accurate with the way we talk about that issue, because it has implications for a variety of other interests that we have overseas’

McMULLIN: "I spent over ten years in the Central Intelligence Agency, serving in the Middle East. If you're a terrorist and you want to come to the United States, the worst possible way to do it is as a refugee. You'll go through a year and a half to two years of vetting. If you want to come to the United States, you're much better just coming through on the Visa waiver program or walking across the border in Mexico. There's a lot of unjustified hysteria around the refugee situation and we need to be more careful and accurate with the way we talk about that issue, because it has implications for a variety of other interests that we have overseas."

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