Clinton: Bill’s Speaking Fees Did Not Soar Because I Was Secretary of State

‘He gave speeches as soon as he left the White House all the way up until the last year’

CLINTON: "He got — he gave speeches as soon as he left the White House all the way up until the last year, and he spoke all over the world, as well as throughout America, to all kinds of groups. But let’s get to the nut of your question. I’m really proud of the Clinton Foundation. I am proud of the work that it does. Thanks to the Clinton Foundation, 9 million more people in our world have access to HIV/AIDS drugs because they negotiated contracts that made them affordable. And there is absolutely no connection between anything that I did as Secretary of State and the Clinton Foundation. So, people can say that, but I’m proud of our philanthropic work, our personal/family philanthropic work, the work of the Clinton Foundation. I’d like to see Donald Trump’s tax returns to find out how much philanthropy he’s ever done."

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