Paul Ryan: Mitt Romney Was Right on Vladimir Putin and Russia

‘There are moments when I look down, shake my head, and say I can’t believe we lost to these guys’

Ryan: Romney Was Right, Obama Has Been Naive With Putin (Washington Free Beacon)

Former GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) said the recent developments in Ukraine underscore the fact that Mitt Romney was right about Russiaand President Obama has been naive Tuesday on Fox News.

“There are moments when I look down, shake my head and say I can’t believe we lost to these guys. This is one of those moments. Mitt was right, I think the president was incredibly naive on his Russia policy. His reset has been a total failure, and I think this is what happens when a superpower projects weakness in its foreign and defense policy, aggression fills that vacuum,” he said.

The Wisconsin congressman added he was unsure if President Obama has the will to lead America as a superpower given the president’s rejection of traditional American exceptionalism.

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