Krauthammer: Trump Trying to Raise Money from Donors a ‘Complete Contradiction’

‘Here he is, going around with cap in hand, cup in hand, trying to raise money from donors’


BREAM: "Let’s look at where we were with former GOP candidates as far as fundraising. Romney in may of 2013 12, he had $23.3 million raised. $31 million on hand. Now charges, he’s done things differently than either of those candidates, he’s been successful with that so far."
KRAUTHAMMER: "What tends to discount that graph, those numbers is the fact that McCain and Romney lost. So it is hardly you know, something that guarantees trump’s losing, it isn’t that much of a negative. He got $2 billion worth of free media. He’s the master of that. Now it could be that after nine months or a year now, on all cable networks, that the message is there already out there and it’s not going to do very much good. In fact he tends now with all of these appearances to get himself in trouble as he has over the last month or so. With his off-the-cuff pronouncements. But it’s in no way determining. The one thing that’s interesting, that would be a problem for any other ordinary candidate is that he did campaign very strongly and very aggressively against his competitors in the primaries for being owned, lock, stock and barrel by the people they took money from. Here he is, going around with cap in hand, cup in hand, trying to raise money from donors and complaining. That he’s not getting enough. So you have to ask him. With him he seems to discard an idea from here to there. But it’s a complete contradiction, won’t he be owned by them if he gets their money and how does he explain the flip-flop?"

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