Obama: ‘I Remain Confident We’ll Get’ TPP Done

‘I’ve spent enough time in the Senate to know that every trade deal is painful, because folks are always seeing if they can get an even better deal’

OBAMA: "So, first of all, on TPP, Angela, I haven’t been around as long as Senator Carper or Secretary Kerry, but I’ve spent enough time in the Senate to know that every trade deal is painful, because folks are always seeing if they can get an even better deal, and especially when you have multiple parties involved. Folks will be scrutinizing it and debating it. And in an election year, you can anticipate that some folks are going to try to score political points off of it. Having said that, I remain confident we’ll get it done. And the reason I’m confident is because it’s the right thing to do. It’s good for the country. It’s good for America. It’s good for the region. It’s good for the world."

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