Krauthammer on Trump’s SCOTUS Picks: ‘Will Have a Dramatic Effect’ Unifying GOP

‘—Now you get a list of 11 who are quite sterling, three of them clerked for Justice Thomas, two of them for Justice Scalia’


BAIER: "Did the trump move today releasing his supreme court wish list change the dynamics in unifying the GOP? Let's get thoughts from syndicated columnist Charles krauthammer. What do you think?" 
KRAUTHAMMER: "I think it will have a dramatic effect in doing that. One thing holding back people who have resisted supporting trump or at least the major thing is the fear of what a Clinton presidency would do to the supreme court and how it would change it for a generation. Now you get a list of 11 who are quite sterling, three of them clerked for justice Thomas, two of them for justice Scalia. The six federal judges all appointed by George W. Which means they are conservative, and they are relatively young. So this is a future looking list, the only caveat is what you and I heard on the interview where trump said his appointee will most likely be from this list. Not going to be, but most likely. How do you interpret that? I don't know. He always leaves himself wiggle room. He likes to have leverage. He keeps the leverage. What he does is to kindle a little bit of doubt." 

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