Ralph Peters: Ben Rhodes ‘Would Have Done Just Fine’ Working for Stalin

‘This is an outright lying to the American people’

PETERS: "No, he lied. I'm sure you read the "New York Times" magazine piece. He boasted about putting one over on the American people, and boasted about setting up that false choice between war or a nuke deal. And by the way, the journal that did that never got around to asking about Putin or Libya. So what emerged was a picture of a White House that as some of the sources said, just refuses to learn. It's ideologically based. they made up their minds before they get the expert briefing. And I have said on fox many times, what stuns me about this administration isn't that it came into the office naive. But that it never learned. Even Jimmy Carter learned. But Obama refuses to learn and Ben Rhodes was proud of that. He would have done just fine work for Stalin."

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