Krauthammer on N.C.: Do We Really Have an Epidemic of Evil Transgenders in Bathrooms?

‘A solution in search of an issue’


BAIER: "Fighting on this issue doesn’t seem like it helps Republicans at all in a general election, number one. Number two, how Ted Cruz talks about it is that a positive thing?"
KRAUTHAMMER: "Look. It didn’t start with the media. It started with the special session of the North Carolina legislature run by Republicans. To me what’s puzzling here. I really don’t understand, a solution in search of an issue. Do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms across the country? I haven’t heard of a single case. Obviously, if there is going to be this dilemma, I think people ought to work it out on their own. If you have that legislation, then you need to have a lot of liberation about this. We are talking about, as if transgenders are like a fifth of the population. This is a very small problem at the edges of other problems having to do with gender identity that’s become national precisely because Republicans in North Carolina decided it was a problem. It is not a major national problem. It should have been left that way."

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