Krauthammer: Tax Reform ‘Not Impossible But It Is Without a President’

‘Every tax loophole, every deduction is a barnacle that slows down economic’ growth


BAIER: "Charles?"
KRAUTHAMMER: "Look, Obama is the one who appointed the commission Simpson pols that recommended exactly that. And that was the great success of what Reagan and tipp O’Neal did in 1986. I mean, it’s not only obvious but it’s the one — it’s the holy grail of social policy because it’s the one time, one of the rare times where it meets the goals of the left and right. It’s a fairness thing which the left is always looking for. Because it’s the rich who can afford the lawyers and the lobbyists who impose the loopholes and then who are able to find them. On the other hand, for the right, promotes economic efficiency. Every tax loophole, every deduction is a barnacle that slows down economic official is I because efficiency. It is the perfect legislation. But it needs leadership. You’ve got to have a president who campaigns on it, insists on it, and with people like Paul Ryan running the house, it could be done. It’s not impossible, but it is without a president. Obama ignored his commission."

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