Cruz: ‘Hillary, Get Ready, Here We Come!’

‘So I ask you at home to join us as we continue to unite Republicans and independents and libertarians and Reagan Democrats and Americans who care about our future’

CRUZ: "For centuries -- for centuries America has been a shining city on a hill, a beacon of liberty to the world, and we can and will be once again. So I ask you at home to join us as we continue to unite Republicans and independents and libertarians and Reagan Democrats and Americans who care about our future who want jobs, freedom and security, just as we've done in Wisconsin, we're doing all across this country. And, governor, let me tell you, I look forward to coming back to the state of Wisconsin this fall. And in November for the first time since 1984, painting the badger state bright Republican red. So let me just say, Hillary, get ready, here we come. God bless you!"

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