Dash: Trump ‘Doesn’t Want the World to Know’ His Foreign Policy, ‘But He Has One’

‘He’s articulated that he is not going to say on national television what his national security strategy is’


FAULKNER: “Andrea, when you say global risk to me and you look at the things that are on that list, I’m thinking, okay, us against ISIS, us against — what do you make of this?”
TANTAROS: “I think that goes back to that lay toe comparison of a statesman. You have to have the courage, but it’s the temperament question. And we’ve seen Trump blow up not just at debates, but on the campaign trail. And I think that if Trump were really wanting the American electorate to see him get serious about national security, he would roll out that national security team like he promised. He said he was going to have one, so where are they? I would suggest he demonstrate that he has the right people around him. I would actually encourage him to beef up on national security because there are people, myself included, that get nervous when you think that a president of the United States would be that close to a nuclear football and have the codes that close with that temperament. He’s got to show the voters he has the temperament and the strategy in national security. I like his top line points on national security. He’s not a neo-con. He’s not —“ 
FAULKNER: “Well, he’s an outsider, yeah.” 
TANTAROS: “He has to articulate that in a more compelling way.” 
DASH: “He has articulated. He’s articulated he’s not going to say on national television what his national security strategy is. That’s what he said.” 
FAULKNER: “So, Kirsten, not on the list? Iran and North Korea. But Donald Trump is on the list.” 
POWERS: “Well, I mean, you can quibble with the list, I guess, but I think they’re on to something. And I also think not just for national security reasons, but the markets like consistency and predictability, right? And he’s not very predictable. And so, you know, I do think — and I would love to hear what you think about that, you know, is it going to spook Wall Street to not — for good or ill, you know?
 UNKNOWN MALE: :I think it’s a collective opinion and a lot of thought leaders on Wall Street that some of the early stability this year was related to Trump and sanders, OK? So the markets certainly don’t want somebody that they don’t think can be predictable in terms of what the outcomes are going to be, foreign policy, national security. We need tax and regulatory reform desperately in the country, so we need somebody to do that as well.”
FAULKNER: “Stacey, I want to give you the last word —“ 
DASH: “I just think this is ridiculous, and the democrats want us talking about something as ridiculous as this, and I have nothing else to say.” 
FAULKNER: “Do you feel it’s time for Donald Trump to roll out his plans and show who he’s got behind him?” 
DASH: “I think he’s said he doesn’t want to do that, he doesn’t want the world to know his plan or his strategy, but he has one. And I believe that he’s not a man that is not of his word. And I know he doesn’t like to lose. We know sure. We all know that.” 
TANTAROS: “I’m for Donald Trump doing whatever he wants to do, he clearly knows what’s working more than most people on TV doing the analysis, but I think as a president, running for president you can’t keep things secret. You have to share some strategy. But I’m using his own words. He said he was going to roll out his national security team, and he hasn’t yet. And as somebody who is a keen observer of this race, I would be interested just to see who’s going to be in the White House. We didn’t vet the last president, and I think it could have been helpful.” 
FAULKNER: “All right, we’ll move on. High drama looming at the nation’s —“

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