Reid on SCOTUS: Obama’s Doing His Job, the GOP Should Do Theirs

‘I have no idea how hard this must have been for the president’

"Third and finally, the life experience. Qualified Supreme Court justice is someone with understanding the realities Americans face each and every day. I have no idea how hard this must have been for the president. I have no doubt that president Obama's nominee would possess these important attributes I've just outlined. Once President Obama has done his constitutional duty and announced publicly this nominee, it will then fall upon the Senate. For 100 years, we've had these hearings in public. The Republican leaders made clear that he and their Congress have no intent to appoint a nominee. It's hard to cop prehend but at this stage, falling in line with this. I hope that President Obama's nomination, exceptionally qualified Senate Republicans to change course. I do hope they will do their constitutional duty and give President Obama's nominee a meeting, a hearing and a vote. He's doing his job this morning. The Republicans should do theirs from this point forward."

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