Hannity to Kasich: If You Come in Third, How Can You Justify Accepting the Nomination?

‘Sean, I’m not going to get into projecting what is going to happen’

KASICH: "I would not go in [to the convention] and say because I have more [delegates] than them, I should get it. I have to win the delegates --"
HANNITY: "The effort by people to prevent — In other words, if they’re saying vote Rubio here, vote Kasich here, vote Cruz here. To prevent somebody from getting to 1237. They’re allowed to do it, I believe in freedom of speech, but this is all to create a big fight on the convention floor. You said it would be an “education for our kids,” I would argue that fi the number one vote getter, and delegate getter gets denied the nomination, that their supporters are going to bolt. They will not vote in the general election. Do you think I’m wrong?"
KASICH: "Yeah, I do. I think the Republican Party will be united as we leave the convention because we will want to beat Hillary Clinton. One of the considerations they are going to take into account is who can beat her --"
HANNITY: "Could I ask one last question -- If you come in third, and other people have a lot more votes than you and a lot more delegates than you, do you think you should really be up for that nomination at that point?"
KASICH: "I’m not going to get into projecting --"
HANNITY: "What if Donald Trump got third place?"
KASICH: "Sean, I’m not going to get into projecting what is going to happen. This is the craziest election that we’ve had in decades. And I’m taking things one day at a time."

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