Halperin: Trump ‘Still the Overwhelming Favorite To Be the Nominee’

‘He could end the nomination fight tomorrow night’

SCARBOROUGH: “You are not so sure that he wins the nomination. Now, I think he is the strongest position than he has ever seen."
BRZEZINSKI: "Exactly."
SCARBOROUGH: "This has been going on in the internal polls in Florida. It got absolutely outrageous that any candidate would pay for. And I've seen the internal polls in Ohio."
WALLACE: "He didn't pay for it." [crosstalk]
SCARBOROUGH: “And he’s not paying for them. He’s not paying for any of this. The same thing with Ohio. I saw a poll in Ohio that he’s actually at a split right now with John Kasich. And what offends us actually does not offend voters and has never offended voters. I’m expecting a pretty massive night for Donald Trump. Because I will tell you, what we saw was one thing. What Republican voters and conservatives saw, a lot of them, was moveon.org and Black Lives Matter and Bernie Sanders supporters ripping up signs, running through the streets, having John Roberts holding microphones in their faces, and them shouting profanities at the top of their lungs on TV asking one person after another person that were shouting profanities, 'Why are you there?'They couldn’t answer the question. There was a little kid, he was probably 17 years old, clearly being intimidated, a Trump supporter, had a Trump button on, trying to explain why he was there. It was nothing about race, this kid just believed in Donald Trump, he couldn’t be bought by special interests, he was so intimidated he couldn’t even speak on the camera and John Roberts kept bringing him in, come here, don’t listen to them, ignore them. That is nothing but a political win for Donald Trump on Friday night. And it did just energize his voters even more. So I’m curious why you’re saying now he may not even win the nomination because Marco Rubio’s probably out of the race on Wednesday. Who beats him?”
HALPERIN: “Well, look, I think he’s still the overwhelming favorite to be the nominee and he could with a strong performance if he can find a way to win Ohio, he could end the nomination fight tomorrow night. He’s going to win Florida I think big. I can’t imagine that he doesn’t. But watch to see how Ted Cruz does in North Carolina, watch to see how Kasich and Cruz do in Illinois. And watch to see, again, Kasich has to win Ohio to make this a thing.”

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