Trump: I Answered Truthfully on Islam

‘I don’t like to over analyze myself’

UNKNOWN REPORTER: “...what major asked and also what Tom asked about what Dr. Carson said this morning on the radio and here about the two Donald Trumps. So many people know and like you because of your public persona. Is that the real Donald Trump or is it something that we don’t see?”
TRUMP: “Well, it’s an interesting question. I don’t like to over analyze myself. But I will tell you that I try and be, you know, who I am. I want to be honest. Certain questions are asked of me and I give a straight answer as opposed to politically collect answer. I know the politically correct business better than anybody.”
UNKNOWN REPORTER: “Would you answer differently in you were in private?”
TRUMP: “No, I don’t think so. I’d like to — I answer truthfully. Look, we’re at a point where we have to start being truthful with our country. Like the question on Islam. I’m answering the question. And I could — I know the exact answer. I could have given an answer the other night to Anderson Cooper which would have been perfect, and nobody would have been talking about it, it would have been fine. But there is a problem and we’ve got to find out what the problem is. We have to solve the problem. And you’re not going to solve the problem unless you know there is a problem. So, I want to answer questions honestly and forthrightly, and even if I’m — on a big stage with all of these tremendous numbers of cameras around I have to answer honestly. It’s the only way we’re going to solve the difficulties of our country. Yes, go ahead.”

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