Jeffrey Lord Struggles to Defend Trump’s Praise of the Tiananmen Square Massacre

Miller: ‘It is not strong to murder unarmed protesters’

MILLER: "If Ronald Reagan was listening last night when Donald Trump was asked about the Tiananmen square violence and Donald Trump could not clearly say that, that is evil. What he said that the communist that is wrong. Leaders were strong. That there was strength in the way that they killed unarmed protesters."
LORD: "Not as a positive asset, though. Just strong as a neutral description."
MILLER: "You know who was strong in that ex-change? The protesters, standing up for democracy and freedom. It is not strong to murder unarmed protesters."
LORD: "No, no, no. no."
MILLER: "Donald Trump's view of the world is so warped that he complemented."
LORD: "The Chinese leaders."
MILLER: "There we go. complemented Vladimir Putin. he did."
LORD: "He said there's no more --"
MILLER: "No, no."
LORD: "Let me ask you, do you think Vladimir Putin is a weak leader?"
MILLER: "Yeah. I think he's a weak person."
LORD: "Do you think he's a weak leader?"
MILLER: "A weak person overcompensating. I would never complement Vladimir Putin."
LORD: "It's not -- you're not saying -- strength in a positive -- no, no."
MILLER: "When Donald Trump says somebody strong, that's a compliment. we can agree. Donald Trump loves talking about strength. Never criticizing anybody, and Ronald Reagan, e he saw the Soviet union for what it was, the evil empire and moral clarity. trump. No moral clarity from Donald. Vladimir Putin is strongroom. I'm sorry. Cracking down on journalists.
LORD: "You're making that up."
MILLER: "The journalists are the strong ones and i thought Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio last night stood up for freedom-loving people everywhere and Donald Trump every time did not."

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