Trump: Trade Deals ‘Are Absolutely Killing Our Country’

‘Second of all, it’s very important to say, well, I’m a businessman and I have to do what I have to do’

TRUMP: "I think I hold views that are similar to many of the people. We are more inclusive. If you look at the polls and the millions of people that have been pouring into the polls, it’s the biggest story. You look at all these people coming in. Something is happening. I am different in one primary respect. And that’s trade. I feel that we have had horrible negotiators. Horrible trade deals. The jobs in this country are disappearing. And especially the good jobs. You look at the recent jobs reports, which are really done so that presidents and politicians look good. All of these people looking for jobs, when they give up, they go home, they give up and they are considered statistically employed. So that’s that. But I will say, trade deals are absolutely killing our country. The devaluations of their currencies by China and Japan and many, many other countries, and we don’t do it because we don’t play the game. And the only way we’ll be able to do it is we’ll have to do taxes unless they behave. If you don’t tax certain products coming into this country from certain countries that are taking advantage of the United States and laughing at our stupidity, we’re going to continue to lose businesses and we’re going to continue to lose jobs. And if you look at the average worker over the last 12 years, their salary and pay have gone down, not up. It’s gone down. And I think that’s why there’s been such an outpouring of love to what I’m saying."

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