Rubio Camp Slams ‘Reckless’ Report on Exiting Race Early

‘We are not going anywhere, Bill’


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RUBIO: “ underdog, I acknowledge that but I feel good about the progress we are making every day and feel optimistic about it. I have been here before. I have been an underdog before.(...)Turning point is coming in this election and for this country and it begins here in a Florida the week from tomorrow.”
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HEMMER: “Before we get to tomorrow barista day. Marco Rubio facing eye wall in Florida, Donald Trump leading in polling. The Marco Rubio team pushing back against the record that some advisers want him to get out of the race even before Florida. A spokeswoman for the Marco Rubio team, good morning to you. You guys were scrambling last night when this report came out of CNN and it is rubbish. It is garbage who is putting it out?”
CONANT: “It is totally false and completely reckless of CNN to do that without reach into the campaign. You at fox would never do that and go to air with something just wrong. I don’t know who is pushing it out but I can tell you ted Cruz, they are scared Marco Rubio is going to win Florida. The same type of nonsense against Ben Carson when there were false reports he was dropping out of the race. It is unfortunate this camp is willing to say or do anything to get elected.”
HEMMER: “The point is Marco Rubio is staying in.”
CONANT: “Totally. We are not going anywhere. Marco is hitting the ground running in Florida. You want to go to any of his events put in He has won as an underdog before, won again someone similar to Donald Trump and that is Charlie Crist, he beat him, exposed has a false conservative.”
HEMMER: “Charlie Crist is not on the ballot but I’m curious what happened last week. Puerto Rico, 22 delegates, other states it seems like he is losing altitude. What is happening?”
CONANT: “In Virginia Donald Trump was supposed to beat us by double digits and he didn’t. Voters in our way were focused on Florida right now and very confident we are going to do well there and win in Florida and coming at that we have a more favorable napa. Ted Cruz with the best night of his campaign on Super Tuesday, supposed to win all those states and didn’t so we have a more favorable napa going forward.”
HEMMER: “A few more than Marco Rubio.”
CONANT: “There are not many moving forward. Para more states like Virginia, Florida, Minnesota, Marco is going to shy and coming out of Florida after a win we will have more momentum and more money on our side.”
HEMMER: “The question is the threshold. Don’t get to a certain percentage you don’t get delegates and Marco Rubio field in Texas and Alabama, Louisiana, to get any delegates from those states. I ask you again, why is he losing altitude?”
CONANT: “We think we will gain momentum, we are confident that if he keeps exposing Donald Trump as a con artist and false conservative we will do well and sycamore voters and right now no one is close to him 1237 needed to lock in this nomination so we have a long way to go, he is not going anywhere.” 
HEMMER: “Here is Mitt Romney on the air in Florida. Listen.”
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ROMNEY: “I believe these are critical times that demand a serious, thoughtful commander-in-chief. If we Republicans were to choose Donald Trump as our nominee I believe that the prospects for a safe and prosperous future would be greatly diminished and I’m convinced Donald Trump will lose to Hillary Clinton.” 
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HEMMER: “Is there proof that Mitt Romney’s appeal five days old is helping Marco Rubio?”
CONANT: “I think anything anyone can do to point out that Donald Trump is not a person who should lead the party of Lincoln and Reagan into the future in to it good thing. He said he would do this for other candidates if asked but we need to keep reminding people Donald Trump is not the leader of the conservative party needs. Marco Rubio is that leader and we will continue to shine. We are looking forward to a great debate on Thursday and continuing into Florida to bring home a winner on his home turf.”

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