Huckabee: The Establishment Has Ruined This Country

‘The establishment has done so poorly for America’


[clip starts]
TRUMP: “I think he’s sort of reaching out saying hey, let’s all get together and let’s get this thing moving. 
CAVUTO: “They’re resisting that overture. That is fairly clear.”
TRUMP: “Yeah, I think they are. I think that’s crazy.” 
[clip ends]
CAVUTO: “All right. What does Mike Huckabee think of, former presidential candidate, former Arkansas governor, Mitt Romney inserted his name into the race. Demanding candidates turn over tax returns. This week making major announcement, we have no idea, from Utah on state of this race. Governor, what do you think?”
GRAHAM: “Maybe he will give out his tax returns again just for old times sake. I don’t know. I can’t imagine, maybe he will say that he has been, maybe misjudging this contest and maybe we just let the voters decide and then all Republicans come together, whoever the nominee is, whether it’s trump or Rubio, Cruz, Kasich or Carson, and we just get behind him and beat Hillary. Maybe that is what he is going to say. That is what I hope he will say. I doubt it, that is what I would love for him to say tomorrow.”
CAVUTO: “Very early on you would be saying you were not nasty, even when you’re candidate in the debates talking about Donald Trump. You raised some differences obviously, but elevated to the level of Marco Rubio calling him a con man or Paul Ryan talking about prejudicial statements, obviously, directing them at Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, secretly we’re told getting word out, go ahead and criticize Trump, fine by me, there does seem for lack of a better tomorrow a establishment outcry against Donald Trump. What do you think about all that?”
GRAHAM: “Well it is true. What is amazing to me the establishment nice don’t get it the reason Donald Trump is doing so well because the establishment has done so poorly for America. They ruined this country. We worked hard to get them elected. I speak as somebody that went to 37 states in 2014 helping them get to the senate majority, thinking maybe they will go and work on fighting ObamaCare and stupid things like the Iranian deal that they will go in there and stand up against Obama’s illegal immigration, unconstitutional actions, and, my Gosh, nothing changes. And Neil, the reason is because the same donor class that feeds Republicans feeds the democrats, nothing changes. And, those folks at the carrier plant in Indianapolis, who on video found out their jobs were going to Mexico, nobody is working for them. And so whether or not they want to believe it, they are the problem. The reason Donald Trump is getting a lot of votes because those folks standing on feet on the concrete floor, they believe he will fight for them more than the establishment will. I don’t know why they don’t get that message.”

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