Mississippi: Man Finally Enrolls in ObamaCare ... After Over 3,000 Attempts

Specifically, enrolling in ObamaCare took Lew Garrett a total of 3,118 attempts

Mississippi Man Enrolls in Obamacare After 3K Attempts (Washington Free Beacon)

As the saying goes, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again,” a man from Mississippi attempted to enroll in Obamacare over 3000 times before successfully signing up.

Lew Garrett, a self-employed independent contractor, was notified that his insurance was being terminated due to Obamacare regulations. On the hunt for new health insurance, Garrett visited healthcare.gov to enroll.

He first began trying in October, but his first attempt proved to be unsuccessful, as did many more attempts after. “I could log in at 4 in the morning, at four in the afternoon, anytime you wish, and the site would be down,” Garrett explained.

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