David Frum: We Have to Get Back on the Right Track After Trump

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FRUM: "To say you are confident means that you think of the future as something that exists and that you can make statements about. I think there has — those people in the United States who were born after the Great Depression and Second World War grew up as the country became more democratic, the years of civil rights, the inclusion of women, the extraordinary prosperity after the war, have lived an amazingly fortunate story, maybe the most fortunate story of any human beings in the history of the human race. So there is a kind of tendency to think that’s the way it always has to be, and to not understand there are forks in the road where important decisions were made or not made. We have to get back onto the right track. Nothing is promised and nothing is guaranteed. But maybe — I know a lot of people who watch networks like this one are kind of demoralized right now. Maybe the way to think about this is to say, along with whatever you feel about the path the country is on, you have personally been also given an opportunity to be an important part of American history and to be part of the story of pulling the country back onto the path it needs to be on and the way people before you have. I just — when I talk to the youth groups, I say, 'Be grateful to be alive in a time your country needs you, because it needs you now.'"

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