Buchanan: ‘Everybody Knows David Duke Has Nothing in Common’ with Trump

‘It is outrageous’

HANNITY: “All right, so 14 of 15 contests, though, 14 or 15 go to insurgent candidates, if you agree with me that both Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are insurgents. Let’s look at the polls. You got the RealClearPolitics average in Florida, for example, Donald Trump 40.3, Rubio 20.8, Cruz 15.8. Here’s how bad it’s gotten. Now, I want to be very clear. I liked the old Marco Rubio. I didn’t like the comprehensive immigration bill, but I’ve always — he was a Tea Party guy in 2010. But when he runs an ad like this, invoking the KKK, when Donald Trump had disavowed it again and again and again, this to me is — this is now way beyond the pale of what I would expect in a primary. Let me roll tape.”
[clip starts]
UNKNOWN MALE: “I asked Donald Trump three times if he would disavow the support of David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan.”
TRUMP: “Well, I have to look at the group.”
NARRATOR: “Trump refuses to denounce the KKK. Think about that. For president?”
RUBIO: “Ronald Reagan made us believe that it was morning in America again. Well, now the children of the Reagan revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership!” (Cheering and Applause)
[clip ends]
HANNITY: “Now, that’s a Rubio super-PAC. Pat, your reaction to that because I’m — I’m stunned!”
BUCHANAN: “Well, this is — it is outrageous. Everybody knows that David Duke has got nothing in common with Donald Trump and Trump and the KKK is preposterous, outrageous. But when you — somebody, a reporter goes up, Do you renounce the KKK? They put that in people’s minds. It is insidious. And the idea that Rubio and his super-PAC — I understand why they’re doing it. They want to destroy this guy, Sean. They’re going all out. They think —“
HANNITY: “Does it work?”
BUCHANAN: “— he’s a menace to the party —“
HANNITY: “Do you think this works? And also what’s coming in tomorrow night’s debate.”
BUCHANAN: “I think to a degree, it is hurting. I think it hurt Trump, the attack ads in northern Virginia. I don’t know if the KKK was in there. But these things are designed to hurt him. My guess would be you might see some kind of closing in Florida. But again, you got to wait for April 15th — or excuse me, March 15th. And I’ll tell you. Then at this point, we’re going to see whether Trump has a clear shot to the nomination and can’t be stopped or whether he’s going to be short in terms of delegates.”
HANNITY: “Does he have to win Ohio and Florida on the 15th, or just —“
BUCHANAN: “No, I don’t think so. I think if he wins one of the two, frankly, even if he loses them both, he’s not done. There’s races between now and then. But I will say this. Look, the people in the Republican establishment, the enormous turnouts we’re getting — I’ve never seen anything like this!”
HANNITY: “They should be ecstatic!”
BUCHANAN: “If you can pull this —“
HANNITY: “They should be happy!”
BUCHANAN: “If you can pull this party together, Sean, you can beat Hillary! Her turnouts of her and Bernie are anemic despite the big turnouts for Bernie!”
HANNITY: “Isn’t it amazing —“
BUCHANAN: “This thing is winnable if the party gets together —“
HANNITY: “— they hate — but they hate the two top guys —“
BUCHANAN: “— but it is getting —“ [crosstalk]
HANNITY: “The two most popular people that are winning in this process, they hate them!”
BUCHANAN: “Well, they’re going to have to get over that by — after March 15th, I’ll tell you —“
BUCHANAN: “— or they will be responsible for blowing not only opportunity to win, this — I think if you drive these Trump people off from the party who are coming in —“
HANNITY: “They’re gone.”
BUCHANAN: “— the party is gone and I don’t know why it shouldn’t it. Look, the establishment’s positions have been repudiated! They’re not coming back on trade or intervention or open borders or all the rest of it. That is over. Bush Republicanism is yesterday, and the establishment has got to wake up to it, otherwise it’s not going to have any future at all!”
HANNITY: “All right, Pat Buchanan, the original insurgent, thank you for being with us.”
BUCHANAN: “Thank you.”

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