Marsha Blackburn on Trump: That Is Not an ‘Acceptable Answer’ on KKK Endorsement

‘I think that should have been an easy answer for him to give, but I’m not somebody that’s advising Donald Trump’

TAPPER: "I asked Donald Trump three times if he would disavow the support of David duke and the Ku Klux Klan. He did not. And he said he didn’t know enough about them. (LAUGHTER) Is that an acceptable answer to you?"
BLACKBURN: "To me, that would not be an acceptable answer. I think that should have been an easy answer for him to give. But I’m not somebody that’s advising Donald Trump."
JEALOUS: "And that in his debate performance — you know, that in his debate performance the other night suggests that, you know, there’s some chinks in his armor. And one of them is that he’s not confident enough to simply say, I disavow the Ku Klux Klan."
CUPP: "No. It’s remarkable, Jake. I remember I was on your other show “THE LEAD” talking to Trump’s spokesperson about Marco Rubio’s eligibility.And she said, well, Donald Trump doesn’t know every aspect of the constitution. This is a man who’s running for president. If he doesn’t know about the Ku Klux Klan, if he doesn’t know about..."
SELLERS: "The (ph) Duke. Yes.
CUPP: "... white supremacy and David duke, if he doesn’t know every aspect of the constitution, ding, ding, ding, that should be kind of a red flag.""

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