Kasich Refuses to Actually Say if He Will Support Trump if He Is the Nominee

‘I’m going to support that person who went through the arena and became the nominee’

TAPPER: |That’s fair, but there are a lot of Republicans, as you know, who are very alarmed by the idea that Donald Trump could get the nomination. The hashtag on Twitter #nevertrump — never Trump exploded this weekend on Twitter. Marco Rubio used that hashtag. And you know, the hashtag means they will not vote for Donald Trump even if he is the nominee. Just to be clear, if Trump’s the nominee, you’ll support him?"
KASICH: "I — you know, we’re down to now five people. We’re all in the arena. And I will show respect to the person that emerges from that arena. I believe it will be me. But at the end of the day, I’m going to support that person who went through the arena and became the nominee. Now look, there’s a lot of people out there that have never been in the arena. They’ve never — they’ve never been in there. They’ve never been engaged in any battle. They sit up in the stands. And then they have a lot of opinions. You know, I can remember — I could sit up in the stands and tell people how to play football or basketball or whatever. But you know, you really don’t know what’s going on on the field unless you’re there. And frankly, all these people that have these opinions that have never competed, hey, it’s a great thing! It’s like a spectator sport, right? It just is — it just — it doesn’t have (ph) carry (ph) credibility with me. Until you have competed, until you have been in this position, you really don’t understand what’s happening. So, look. Anybody that emerges from the arena, I’m going to be for."
TAPPER: "All right. Governor John Kasich, good luck on Tuesday. We’ll see you out there on the campaign trail."
KASICH: "All right, Jake. Thank you. Always a pleasure."

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