Nikki Haley: ‘Trump Is Everything We Hear and Teach Our Kids Not To Do in Kindergarten’

‘Marco is exactly what we tell our children also, if a bully hits you, you hit back’

STEPHANOPOULOS: "You seem to call out Donald Trump in your response to the State of the Union back in January. But it wasn’t until this week that we really saw Marco Rubio take on Mr. Trump. Did he wait too long?"
HALEY: "I don’t know if he waited too long, but I’ll tell you Donald Trump is everything we hear and teach our kids not to do in kindergarten. And we have seen this behavior over and over again that’s unacceptable. And I think what we saw from Marco is exactly what we tell our children also, if a bully hits you, you hit back. I think he hit back and he showed that’s he’s willing to lead. He’s willing to fight. And he’s going to have the passion to do it."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Some would say he’s stooping to the same level."
HALEY: "I don’t know if you stoop to the same level. What you don’t do is you walk away from it. I mean, again, when a bully comes after you, you go back. I think he punched. I think he punched hard. I think it was on policy. I think he made sure that everybody understood that there are a lot of questions that Donald Trump hasn’t answered. It is amazing. I’m going to count it. You could be undergoing an audit. There’s no reason he can’t release last year’s tax returns. Why is he not doing that? And you look at all these issues, this is one more project that Donald Trump is doing. Trump University, Trump Vodka, Trump Airlines, Trump Mortage all failed projects. This is one more project. And we’re really concerned about where that’s going to be. And I think it’s right for Marco to bring those things out and to keep on bringing those out."

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