Geraldo: ‘Trump Is the Only One that Can Reasonably Negotiate a Deal in the Middle East’

‘Can anyone put these people together in a room and negotiate in a way Trump has negotiated’

Geraldo: ‘Trump Is the Only One That Can Reasonably Negotiate a Deal in the Middle East’ (Breitbart)

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network contributor Geraldo Rivera insisted that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump would be the best person to broker a Middle East peace deal between Israel and its neighbors.

Rivera called Trump’s declaration that he would be a neutral arbiter in a peace negotiation an act of “unparalleled courage.”

“In the big picture, this was the reasonable man on the stage,” Rivera said. “How is that? This is the person who stands up there and says, in an act of I think of unparalleled courage in American politics, ‘I am going to be neutral when it comes to Israel and the Arab-surrounding nations.”

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