O’Donnell on Vance’s Answers on 2020 Election, Healthcare: Shows the ‘Utter Emptiness of the Man’
O’DONNELL: “There was another great moment where he was asked a very simple, direct question, 'How do you protect pre-existing conditions in whatever the Trump health care plan would be?' His answer was, 'We already have a law for that.' That's correct. That is ObamaCare. That was the very first law, the first law in American history that actually protected people with pre-existing conditions and allows them to get health insurance. And the great thing about the question, 'How do you protect pre-existing conditions?' if you're just talking to someone where there was no health care plan in place in the government, if that was your first question, the answer to it actually has to become an entire health care system. It's an answer that builds the entire ObamaCare plan from that one question. Even though that is listed as just one thing that it does, in order to do that, you have t do every other thing that ObamaCare does, including the subsidies and all of that other stuff. So that is one of those policy questions that shows you the utter emptiness of the man. In policy terms, it's kind of identical to the emptiness of his answer on who won the election."