Mark Kelly: J.D. Vance Is a ‘Yale-Trained Mouthpiece’ for Trump

‘Donald Trump feeds him whatever lie he has of the day’


KELLY: "You know, I think that Governor Walz is incredibly likable. He is a good friend of mine. He served with Gabby in the House and they are really close. He's the right guy for this job. You know, J.D. Vance is a Yale-trained mouthpiece for Donald Trump. You know, Donald Trump feeds him whatever lie he has of the day and he goes out and he repeats it. So I think that is what we are going to see. But I also expect that we will see some vision, you know, the vision of Kamala Harris, how she wants to move this country forward. Donald Trump just wants to drag us back into the past and he has pointed out, he likes his tax cuts for billionaires. He is a billionaire. He gave a big, giant tax cut for billionaires. As commander-in-chief, he shredded our alliances. I was just over in the Baltics, I was in Finland. They are really worried about our election, I mean, they really are.” 

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