Lemire: Trump Camp Wants to Run Campaign with ‘Dangerous Lies’and ‘Racist’ Rhetoric

‘This is clearly the fight Trump campaign wants to have’


LEMIRE: “Yeah, this is clearly a fight the Trump campaign wants to have, even though they’re doing so with lies and dangerous lies. And — and certainly the Donald Trump’s campaigns most headline grabbing decision yesterday morning was Trump’s move in all caps to tweet ‘I hate Taylor Swift!,’ with an exclamation point and certainly that could have some blowback particularly with some young voters, but J.D. Vance doubling and tripling down guys going on multiple Sunday morning shows to sort of to spout this lie, to sort of at one moment even acknowledge that they’re lying, they’re exaggerating what’s happening here, but they — they they think this is something they want to do even though as the rev said earlier there have been schools that have had to close their, city hall has had to be evacuated twice because of bomb threats, local colleges there this week announced they’re going to have classes remotely because they don’t feel like they can keep these places safe.”


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