Sen. Kelly: Trump ‘Doesn’t Want to Solve the Problem’ at the Border, He Just Wants to Talk About It

‘Donald Trump is the guy who killed the bipartisan border deal’


KELLY: “We are a border state. Border security is very important to me, it’s important to Arizona. And Donald Trump is the guy who killed a bipartisan border deal. And we had times when it’s been a crisis at the border and we finally came together, Democrats and Republicans working across the aisle the way that the Senate and Congress is supposed to work, and we had an agreement. And it’s really unfortunate that the former president, Donald Trump, told Republicans in the Senate that they weren’t allowed to vote for this. And the reason is, he realizes that he needed this for the election. So he doesn’t actually want to solve this problem, he just wants to talk about the problem or take a picture of the border, which is what we’ve seen from him and we’ve seen this from J.D. Vance. So, that’s very disappointing, but that issue is going to be part of the election in Arizona. Statewide elections in Arizona are very close, so we are going to work really hard to make sure the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz win in Arizona and win the election."

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