Jesse Watters: The More Kamala Harris Differentiates Herself from Biden, the More She Starts Agreeing with Trump
WATTERS: “So, she has to differentiate herself from Joe Biden. But the more she does that, the more she starts agreeing with Donald Trump. So Trump’s just going to be like, yeah, Kamala, we agree. So why are you running against me? You know, why didn’t you — why didn’t you just tell Joe to do what we talked about right here? Why didn’t you just tell him that the last four years he was wrong? He didn’t listen to you? Or he didn’t — you didn’t really say anything, did you? You just sat there, didn’t you? Yeah, you did. She said she’s going to differentiate herself on Afghanistan. How? She already bragged that she was the last person in the room. How is she going to differentiate herself with the border? She was the border czar. On the economy, she was the tie-breaking vote. I just don’t see the areas where she can say I was different or I would have done things differently. It’s just impossible. Her other strategy is to rattle him. OK, the only time Trump was rattled in the first debate was when Biden said he was a six handicap.”