Rubio on the Pope: America Has an ‘Obligation to Control the Process’ of Immigration

‘I’m an elected official of the United States of America and the federal government and our number one obligation is to keep people safe and our immigration system is a part of that’

RUBIO: "The Holy Father’s full statement, I would just say this. There's no nation on Earth more compassionate on immigration than we are. We accept a million people in the year legally, every year. Mexico doesn't do that. No other country in the world does that, but we're a sovereign country and we have the right to control who comes in, when they come in, and how they come in. Vatican City controls the city state and as a result, the United States has to do that as well. So I haven't seen the context of the Holy Father’s statement and won't comment directly other than to say this country has not just the right but the obligation to control the process by which people enter the United States, and by which people immigrate to the united States."
UNKNOWN REPORTER: "Donald Trump called the Pope's statement disgraceful. What's your reaction?"
RUBIO: "I haven't read the full context, so I'm not going to comment on the statement. As a Roman catholic, he's a head of the church and successor of Peter, I believe, and tremendous respect and admiration for him and haven't seen the statement, but I'm an elected official of the United States of America and the federal government and our number one obligation is to keep people safe and our immigration system is a part of that."


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